Saturday, December 5, 2015

First Saturday in Advent: Healing

The day before Thanksgiving, I woke up with a cold. I started taking zinc and echinacea and drinking lots of water, and tried to not share the cold. 

I never felt terrible, but as is the case with colds, I was slowed down. A week later, now in New Mexico, I still had symptoms and the high altitude and dry air didn't help. 

I always seem to be seeking some sort of healing, if not body, then mind and/or spirit, during my Advent retreat.  I was right on task. 

I've been mindful of the slow healing process of this cold--a small bit better everyday. I've been mindful of all the pieces of this healing process 

People have prayed and I am so grateful for those kind prayers.  Healing. 
I've had times of silence and rest. Healing. 
I had a wonderful massage, and Bonnie did all sorts of healing touch that did wonders with my breathing. Healing. 

Yesterday I took one of my favorite hikes that leads to a spacious overlook of the Rio Grande Gorge. Though I found myself feeling a bit winded from time to time, the beauty was worth every step. 

Afterwards, as I sat with a cappuccino and pumpkin shortbread in front of a fire in a gallery that housed a local weaving exhibit, I realized how much better I felt after taking those sometimes challenging steps.  They, too, had also been part of the healing process. 

I'm still getting the last symptoms expunged. Step by step. Prayer by prayer. Resting and waiting. Sometimes challenging. 

I pray the same for all seeking healing. Step by step. Prayer by prayer. Resting and waiting. Sometimes challenging. AMEN

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