Saturday, March 7, 2015

Traveling home

The last full day on Tybee yesterday, and it was a cold and gray day. The decision was made to have a nearly non-driving day (Friday is my Sabbath, after all).

The morning was lolled with coffee and card-making

In the afternoon, I put on all of my layers and went on a brisk beach walk which was followed by a labyrinth prayer walk near the marsh. 

On the short drive back home, my best friend and I noticed a plea for food at the local food pantry. Blessed with such abundance and filled with gratitude, we stopped at the local IGA and filled up our grocery cart with cereal, juice, canned fruit, peanut butter, and macaroni and cheese. What better way to thank God?

This morning, with temperatures near freezing, bundled up once again, there was time for one final Tybee time beach walk. Prayers were said sitting beside the water before returning to my little cottage to prepare to return home. 

As I sit awaiting my plane at the airport, I prepare mentally to celebrate the third Sunday of Lent in the morning back at St. Marys. I have been unoccupied for the past four days.  I have been recreated. I have been on vacation, and it has been very good. 

And now it is time to be occupied with all the God calls me to do in the quotidian. For the people who will join me in serving at St. Mary's tomorrow and everyday I am truly thankful. 

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