Sunday, September 30, 2012

Coffee in Amsterdam

Easy flight to Amsterdam, and a 3+ wait for the flight to Scotland. Time for a good cup of coffee and pleasant pass times of knitting, journaling, and reading in the very welcoming public waiting area. We left Atlanta at 3 PM yesterday, and it's still dark here at 7 AM.

One of the books I brought for this trip is Mary Earle's Holy Companions: Spiritual Practices from the Celtic Saints. Today I am reading about St. Columba, who began a monastery on the Isle of Iona in the 6th century.

Here are some of his words:

Let me bless almighty God, whose power extends over sea and land.....
Let me study sacred books to calm my soul;
I pray for peace, kneeling at heaven's gates.
Let me do my daily work...
Let me say my daily prayers, sometimes chanting, sometimes quiet, always thanking God....

I offer these words particularly to those
being confirmed at St. Mary's today:
Ryne, Deede, Bill, Claire, Holden, Trevor,Michael, Melanie, and Erika.

I'm praying for you, especially today.

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