Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Centering Prayer Project: Grandboy Edition

Austin and I have begun practicing centering prayer at his bed time. Before our very first time on Thursday evening, we chose the sound to begin and end our Quiet Time (three deep gongs), and set the amount time for silent prayer (one minute) using the Centering Prayer app. 

Before we began, we decided what our prayer word would be. Friday night there was an incident while Austin was waiting for me to read him his bedtime stories. I was getting his younger brother, Jonas, to sleep first, and Austin was reading quietly in his room. A big bug flew into his room, and Austin got scared. We talked it through, and he was proud that he was brave. His prayer word that evening, not surprisingly, was Brave God. 

I think that Austin is enjoying watching the prayer time clock decrease on the Centering Prayer app more than he's actually getting the concept of centering prayer, but he's had three nights now where we've had lovely time of quiet prayer together before bed. 

Friday night, after our Quiet Prayer, Austin asked for Prayers (his mom and dad have always done bedtime prayers with the boys), and that's a first. After all the God Blesses, when we talked about what else he wanted to ask God for, he wanted us to pray that the big bug not come back (a bug, by Austins's estimation, as big as his hand with wings, a little stinger, and a name, Sewer). 

God said yes. 

Happy fourth birthday, Austin. 

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